QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Most leading web hosting companies talk a good game. QTH.COM Web Hosting is one of the few that walks the walk. Well done! You have my full endorsement.

Don Snodgrass

Hosting with QTH.com is like a having a buddy in the business. They've been spot on from the start with responsive, efficient, friendly service. That's why I've stuck for years with QTH.com!

Jeff K1NSS, creator of Dash! The Dog-Faced Ham

Definitely 5 Star Rating. We received excellent support service when reinstating a website for our organization. Very responsive. Highly recommended!!

Elaine Vaughan, Himalayan Fair

Switched from a big name provider to QTH, after a friend's recommendation. Support has been great. Impressed with their security, and happy they provide free SSL certificates. Best place for your website!

Jim Aspinwall, NO1PC

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

You are the first web hosting provider I have had in years that I have been happy with!

John Sherman

Thanks for being the greatest webguy this side of Pluto!

Gart Westerhout, Osugi Musical Theatre

Thanks so much for your OUTSTANDING Customer Service! I've been in the field for 20 years...you are one of the BEST examples I've EVER seen...SERIOUSLY!!!

Bill Ashby, President, West Valley ARA

Thanks for all your professionalism and support. I am glad that my company, and our Land Rover Club, are associated with QTH.com!

Neil Buchelt, Advanced Imaging, Inc.,

You have the best customer service. I appreciate your quick responses. I have used GoDaddy and DYN and you truly stand above them. Keep up the good work!

Michael Palmer

If you ever need a testimonial, just say the word! You've always been Johnny-on-the-spot with support and our website has never been down since we've been with QTH.

Karen Isaacson, Terraceweb Design